Experts in Data

Getting Quick Wins with Quality Data using the RUBIX Data Cleanse Kit.

08 Aug 2022
Getting Quick Wins with Quality Data using the RUBIX Data Cleanse Kit.

RUBIX Solutions

Data Cleanse Kit

A scalable turn-key solution that will fix your data quality issues.

In the age of digital transformation, organisations need to be data-centric, and data quality is of paramount importance.

We work with companies at all stages of the data journey, whether they’re just starting out or looking to enhance their already existing data capabilities. As part of the RUBIX strategic data focus, we begin these projects with a short but powerful strategic discovery workshop.


Our experts will guide you through the process so you can make your data a strategic business asset today.


RUBIX runs multiple workshops and engages closely with key stakeholders in order to understand the mid to long term strategic focus for the business. Tying this together with the current data and technology landscape, RUBIX then produces a fully fledged strategic roadmap that visualises the key steps and barriers to reaching those goals, along with supporting documentation that outlines technology recommendations and details of each step.

Practice data driven behaviours (13)

In this way, RUBIX matches the technology strategy directly with the strategic needs of each business unit, ensuring that all tasks, streams and projects go towards accomplishing key goals. Once the Data Strategy Workshop is complete, RUBIX’s data experts will then move to action the roadmap itself and guide the business through their data journey.


With our expert guidance and knowledge, your business will be armed with the data to really begin your data journey.

Practice data driven behaviours (11)

The better you understand the data and become data driven, the better your chance of success.


Why choose RUBIX? Australia’s leading brands trust RUBIX with their data. We work with the best and brightest data minds in the country and we look forward to working with you too. You won’t believe how you operated before you joined forces with RUBIX.


We’ve helped hundreds of companies become more data driven and we can help yours too.


Download the RUBIX Data Discovery prospectus or talk data to us today.