Insights & Tools

Let’s talk some data


what’s happening in the world of data.

Read the latest news from the RUBIX team and our tech partners.

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Turn your data into a weapon. Learn how to use Customer Intelligence as your secret weapon.
Customer intelligence (2)
The disruption to traditional retail is exciting but how can e-retailers ensure they capitalise in the spike in retail spend in 2021? There is one resource that retailers may have overlooked, and that resource is data
How RUBIX deliver actionable insights to help increase FMCG profits
How RUBIX deliver actionable insights to help increase FMCG profits
This means fast, real time reporting, with deeper analysis and an intuitive user experience.
What is Data Culture? And why do you need one?
What is Data Culture? And why do you need one?
Without a strong data culture, businesses may be missing opportunities to use the data they have at their immediate disposal to discover real insights or to gain any kind of competitive advantage.
How reliable is your data really? Find out using the free Talend Trust Assessor.
How reliable is your data really? Find out using the free Talend Trust Assessor.
Make better business decisions with clean, dependable data.
Discover how RUBIX. can take your data from chaos to clarity
Discover how RUBIX. can take your data from chaos to clarity
Every business decision should start with data you can trust, which is why RUBIX are one of Australia’s largest and most trusted pure play data and analytics companies.
Optimise your data journey to take advantage of AI.
Optimise your data journey to take advantage of AI.
A business that takes advantage of AI sets itself up for superior performance outcomes 
It takes more than a launch pad to send a Tesla into space.
It takes more than a launch pad to send a Tesla into space.
As part of the journey to being data-driven, RUBIX. believes it’s important to establish the right foundations. Leveraging those foundations through business intelligence and insight.
How to succeed using data and analytics in the retail industry.
How to succeed using data and analytics in the retail industry.
As the experience economy continues to evolve, it can be challenging to keep up with the latest tech trends and understand how they will transform your business. But many of the changes ahead are easy to predict based on our actions today.
How the RUBIX. data capability is changing the eSports game
eSports finalists backed by RUBIX. data
Over the past two years the eSports High Performance Centre based at the Sydney Cricket Ground, has leveraged RUBIX’s highly advanced data & analytics capability. Resulting in an industry leading insights capability that augments team coaches for team strategy and coaching.
How to Get The Impact You Want From Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI (1)
According to many people, artificial intelligence, or AI, is a sort of cure-all for modern organisations’ woes.
Talend Expands ANZ Channel Partner Network with RUBIX’s Value Added Reseller Appointment
talend press release
The relationship will further enable Talend to accelerate market momentum and broaden its customer base with solutions which help organisations solve their data issues and support integration, data governance and data quality
RUBIX. Data Maturity Framework – Whitepaper
White paper
We live in a data economy where maximising the value of your dataset is critical to company success